Thursday, 24 November 2011

Animation Principles: Walk sequence and interacting with objects/scenarios:1

So, for our new brief we have to create a character with it's own walk cycle and have it interact with 3 of these, either a balloon, football, boulder, puddle etc. For my sequence i chose balloon, boulder and puddle. The idea for the film is so we test the character in the situations and show this through body language and facial expression, portraying a variety of emotions.

My sequence is this:

Guy walks along, finds a balloon, tries blowing it up but can't. He gets in a strop and stomps off, only later to have a boulder land on his body due to his excessive stomping. After hoisting himself out from underneath said boulder, he continues his journey only to come across a puddle, which he falls through.

With this in mind, i now must design my character!

This is Nude, he is a Nudist, hence why the big "N" on his chest. He is roughly based of the characters from the Pixar short film "Night and Day". I did not want a difficult character to animate, and nor did i want the responsability of trying to animate clothing- so that is why i kept him "naked".

This sequence is just to test how our little hero here would react to a falling boulder (using a boulder as it will be appearing in the later finished film). After months of testing how my characters show emotion (see previous blogs), i hope this character captivates all that i have learnt and tested.

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